Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Indian Paintbrush

Here is the patch of Indian Paintbrush that the lawn mower guys left in my front yard (you asked for it, Kerri!). And yes, that is the crapmobile in the background (don't ever buy a Saturn - at least not one that was made in the Delaware factory).

Here is a close-up of the Indian Paintbrush. And here is where somebody points out that it is not an Indian Paintbrush, but some other type of flower, thus disillusioning me of a belief I have held since childhood. Feel free to comment, guys!

And just for the heck of it, here is Mr. Z's new familiar. I don't think Jabba is aware yet that his kitty has kicked out the downstairs bathroom window screen and is making forays into the great outdoors. I'm not gonna tell him.


Poetry Echoes said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen that before. It is very pretty. Can I have some? Trade you some of that for some of my cool wax flower plant???

rockygrace said...

I'd need to see a pic of the wax flower plant first - ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Uhhh...I know you said that you didn't want to know if it wasn't Indian Paintbrush...but I think that's Yellow Hawkweed. The Orange Hawkweed is the same color as Indian Paintbrush, though. I love hawkweeds of all varieties and it makes for great bouquets.

I jumped out of the car last week and clipped some daisies growing in a ditchline. I just can't resist the damn things.

-- Bridgett