Thursday, March 17, 2016

Still Alive

Yep, I'm still alive.  Still in the weeds at work, so I thought I'd take a little break to pop in here. 

PG watch continues:

COME ON, Kitty Mama!  BIRTH those babies, er, kittens!

Last night the spring peepers were peeping away, which was awesome, and I slept with a window cracked a little even though it got down to, like, 34 degrees, because PEEPERS!

I went up to the reservoir last weekend, and there was still ice on the lake, which, boooo.

But it didn't stop some dude from kayaking on the open part, which, all I can say is, better you than me, dude:

But the crocuses in my gardens are blooming, so, yaaaay!

Hopefully, the next time I'm back here, I'll be out of the weeds at work, and I'll have pictures of KITTENS.

1 comment:

James P. said...

Is Kitty Mama (KiMa might be a good nickname!) reacting any differently when you come into the room?

And, speaking of spring, I'm remembering the little red mystery shoot in your front flower bed one year that turned out to be a cardinal beak (EWWWWWWW!) that you had tossed out front with the bird intact during the winter.