Friday, September 27, 2013

The Name Game

So!  The fosters are still with me. Here they are!

Not much progress to report.  They are not UNfriendly; they just don't trust people.  Understandable.  And so I soldier on; I am breaking down and having cable put into that bedroom this weekend.  I might as well be able to watch TV while they ignore me.

And.  Names.  The calico I've been calling Callie, because that's original *snort* and also the name of every other calico on the planet.  I tried LOTS of names, but Callie is the only one that has stuck to date. Callie Ann, to be specific.

Now.  THIS girl:

Isn't she a spitfire?  That is one fine-lookin' cat.

I thought about a jewel name, because of the spot she has on her forehead.  Topaz ... oops ... no stripper names.  Amber?  Nah, she's not really an Amber.  Plus, that's perilously close to stripper territory as well.  Garnet?  Maybe ... but to me that almost sounds like a boy name.  She needs a pretty name to help her overcome her tortie rep.

And oh!  That makes me think!  I was at a garden center last weekend when a cat came strolling up the entrance path to meet me.  It was a tortie ... a FRIENDLY tortie.  Her name was Shellie, as in Tortoiseshell.  I thought about Shellie for this girl, but ... nah.

And then I was on my way to work this morning, singing songs from Man of La Mancha as one does *cough*, and I started singing "Dulcinea".

"I have sought thee, sung thee, dreamed thee ... Dulcinea ..."

Hmmm ... Dulcinea ... Well, it's gotta be two syllables.  (Rescue rules - two syllables, nothing "odd", esoteric, or awkward to explain to a child.)  What about Dulcie?

I dunno.  Whaddaya think?  And any OTHER name suggestions are welcome.  Just remember the rescue rules.  While I am free to name my OWN cats things like Ponyboy and Sodapop, the fosters need to be plain vanilla.  

p.s.  Yes, I DID review name suggestions from previous posts.  None of them seemed quite right for this gal, although Domestic Kate's earlier suggestion of Poppy comes pretty close ...

p.p.s. And yes, ninety percent of the fosters get renamed when they get rehomed, but still, I've gotta have something to call them other than Kitty while they're here.


~~Silk said...

A jewel worn on the forehead is called a "Bindi" in India. Young folks seem to know what a bindi is, as they seem to be popular on the club scene.

Wikipedia: "Traditionally, the area between the eyebrows (where the bindi is placed) is said to be the sixth chakra, ajna, the seat of "concealed wisdom". According to some followers of Hinduism, this chakra is the exit point for kundalini energy[citation needed]. The bindi is said to retain energy and strengthen concentration.[1] It is also said to protect against demons or bad luck. The bindi also represents the third eye."

How 'bout "Bindi"? Exotic and pretty, good omen and good luck.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, I love that. LOVE that. Bindi it is.

Thank you!

Domestic Kate said...

I was just going to say something about the "dot" the women wear in India. But I didn't know the name for it (I was going to suggest that you name her India--heh).

Glad you like Poppy! I think it's such a fun name.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I like Bindi. I was just going to comment that I have the worst time coming up with names so I was going to be no help Glad you already found a name

rockygrace said...

Kate, I like the name India. I'll save it for another dot cat.

And Tails, I usually can think of a BUNCH of names, none of which are acceptable to the rescue.

(Actually, "Bindi" is borderline, but I think I can get it through by bringing up the Crododile Hunter's daughter.)

You can only name so many cats Mittens or Fluffy, ya know? :)