Saturday, I went walking on the old towpath near State Park.
At one point, two guys in a Beamer passed me. This is mainly a walking trail, not a vehicle road, so I figured there were three options: 1. Drugs. 2. Sex. 3. Lost.
As it turned out, it was #3, which I discovered when they turned around and the driver rolled down his window to say, "Excuse me, ma'am, but we're on our way to a corporate bean-bag event at State Park. Do you know the best way to get there?"
Okay, first off, corporate bean-bag event? Like, as in, bean-bag toss?
Dude certainly LOOKED the corporate type: Clean-shaven, well-dressed, driving a Beamer. But ... bean bag?
Trying not to laugh, I gave him directions to the park entrance. What the hell is a corporate bean-bag event? When I walked back through the park, later in the day, I briefly thought about trying to locate said event, but decided that the reality could never be as entertaining as the picture I had in my mind, so I gave it a pass.
And you know, I find myself getting "ma'am"ed an awful lot lately. And I got a bunch of it on Saturday, first from the cable guy (who looked disturbingly like a young, fit Russell Crowe *cough*), then from the Beamer dude, and still more later on when I went shopping.
When do we go from Miss to Ma'am, do you think? Is there an age cutoff? I'd rather be a Miss than a Ma'am, although I can't quite put my finger on why. Is it because Ma'am means old and Miss means young?
While I spend zero time wishing I was young again, I do kind of miss Miss. Go figure.