Monday, March 26, 2007

Jabba Part III

The last time I posted, it was Thursday morning, and all had been quiet downstairs for a few days. I got home Thursday night to the REALLY LOUD NOISE, and woke up Friday morning to REALLY LOUD NOISE. So I called Jabba's son Joe Friday morning and left a message, when I had been at work for an hour and a half and my ears were still ringing.

When it was almost noon and the ringing hadn't stopped, I got worried and called my doctor's office ('cause I'm a wuss). They said they could see me that day (miracle!) and I went to the doctor's. It turned out that my left ear is infected, and my right ear is almost totally blocked with ear wax (I know, I know, how gross is THAT?). So they tried to pressure wash my ears, at which point I got so dizzy I almost passed out. Oops! Now I am on antibiotics (which make me violently, gut-grabbing sick about an hour after I take them) and ear drops.

So, I get home Friday night to REALLY LOUD NOISE. I was just about to go downstairs and kill Jabba when his son Joe called. Joe said he would call his dad right then and tell him to TURN DOWN THE TV, DAMMIT, and Joe said he would be over Saturday to try to work out the situation.

Oh, and to add to the joy, I had to work Saturday. But you know what? At this point, being at work beats being at home by a long way.

Joe came over Saturday and moved/did something to the oxygen machine so I don't have to listen to that anymore. And he said someone would be over today (Monday) or tomorrow to install super-duper, 12" thick insulation in his dad's ceiling. And it was quiet all weekend.

But wait! On Saturday night, Stephen from the apartment next door came over. He said that he played electric guitar, and had been playing it unplugged when I was home, but wanted to know if he could plug it in and play it, and see if it bothered me - if so, he would keep it unplugged while I was home. Sure, Stephen! Go right ahead! Plug in that guitar! At this point, why not! So he went over to his place, presumably plugged in his guitar and started playing, and I heard ......... nothing. Whew!

So that's the update. If I can just get Jabba to TURN DOWN THAT GODDAM TV, all will be well. Wish me luck! I am trying to think of something I can write right now so that I don't somehow jinx myself ......... abracadabra? Oh please oh please oh please.

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