Monday, December 12, 2016

Pics! with! Santa!

One of the groups I volunteer with was helping at a pet-photos-with-Santa event at a local pet store yesterday, so I loaded up on my allergy meds and headed out.

We were plopped right smack-dab in the middle of the store:

But the backdrop was amazing, and Santa was the BEST.  Here he is, skillfully handling a guinea pig wearing a teeny-tiny holiday hat:

When we took a break, Santa showed me his driver's license.  Santa Claus, One Arctic Circle, North Pole, The World.  Yep, he's legit!   Here's a blurry photo of some ferrets (those little buggers are FAST!  Santa says it's like trying to hold on to wriggly noodles):

These photos were taken by me, on the sidelines.  The actual photographer was really interesting to watch, as she juggled dogs and cats and kids and you-name-it.  Here she is trying to get a perfect shot:

Look at this cat!:

 And here the cat is with his little girl:

At one point, the inevitable happened:

This family had four dogs and a cat, all of whom wanted their photo with Santa, so there was a considerable amount of wrangling involved:

They were coming in by the shopping-cart-load:

And my favorite family of the day:  Three cats, two humans, one elf hat, holiday sweaters on everyone, and Santa!:

I have to admit, I've never volunteered at an event quite like this one before.  It was an experience, that's for sure! 


James P. said...

Well, I'm obsessed with the guinea pig and his/her festive cap, but have to wonder how a person gets/keeps a Christmas hat on a ferret.

rockygrace said...

There was elastic that went around their chins, but they kept wiggling the hats off. I'm guessing it's like trying to put a hat on a cat, times ten.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

the pig was perfect :) Love it