Wednesday, November 12, 2008


There is a client in our office right now who is wearing SO MUCH PERFUME it is making me gag. And it's that perfume, I can't think of the name right now, that smells like lilacs, but with a little, well, acrid tinge to it, so if you wear a little of it, it smells pretty, but if you BATHE IN IT, it smells like bllleerrrrgh.

Helpful hint from RockyCat: When you are putting on perfume in the morning, spray a little bit of the perfume into the air in front of you, and then walk forward through the spray. THAT IS ALL THE PERFUME YOU NEED.

Excuse me while I go open a window.


Unknown said...

Sounds like L'Aire du Temps.

Meredith said...

oh man that's the WORST! I don't even wear perfume very often because I can't stand the way it smells by the end of the day. Even worse is when people use it to cover their other odors (aka from not bathing).

As you can see, I have smell issues. You should see what I could write about bad breath!!!

rockygrace said...

L'Aire du Temps, hmmmm? I'll try to remember to avoid that one when gifting. (I tend not to wear perfume, myself. Maybe that's why I'm sensitive to other people's perfume overdoses.)

and Meredith, speaking of people not bathing, over the years I have had a few co-workers who needed to bathe more often than they did. And what is up with THAT? How flippin' hard is it to HOP IN THE SHOWER once in a while? There was this one guy in particular, fairly young, relatively well-groomed, who always had that "old man", musty smell. And it used to freak me out, because how do you even GET that smell unless you're over, say, 80?

listie said...

I once had a student worker who, as far as I could tell, never bathed, washed her hair or brushed her teeth. Her teeth were furry, her hair was greasy and full of dandruff and, to put it mildly, she smelled. I never had to guess where she was working in the library, I could smell her long before I could see her.

My perfume pet peeve is women who smoke and then think they can cover up the smell of the smoke by drowning themselves in perfume. Nope. Doesn't work. It just makes them smell doubly bad.

Exador said...

Mrs Schwartz worked for various IT employment agencies over the years. This industry tends to hire a lot of people from India and Pakistan. Many of these folks had such back BO that others could not work near them. The client wanted them out of there. It was Mrs S' job to have to explain to the person that their BO was a problem and suggest remedies. Then, if they take care of it, she had to tell them it was the reason they had to leave the job, and had to escort that person out of the building. Fun!

rockygrace said...

Ya know, it only takes a few minutes to brush your teeth and take a shower. And the fact that there are people who are unwilling to make that effort before presenting themselves to the world .... well, I just don't understand.

And Exador, it seems like it would be a pleasure to escort those slobs the hell out of the building. As long as you held your nose, of course. And then took a nice long shower. :)