Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Fairly Certain Alcohol Will Be Involved At Some Point

I'm stuck at work today (not really, as I volunteered to come in), and I'm looking forward to the weekend, a very special weekend, as Tomorrow! Is! My! Birthday!

As a kid, having a birthday right after a holiday kinda sucked, because everybody was still recovering from Thanksgiving, most of my little kid friends were out of town visiting the grandparents, and who wanted to think about planning a birthday party when Christmas was right around the corner?

But! I could have it worse - I know two people (not including Jesus, heh), who were born on Christmas. And seriously? If I had been born on Christmas, I would just change my birthday. To, like, June 16 or something, a nice warm day with no major holidays around.

Oh! And one of the people I know who has a Christmas birthday is a total snot about it. This is a grown man, and he throws a little hissy fit if he doesn't get birthday cards! and presents! and a birthday cake! On Christmas Day. Buddy, word up: You're fighting a losing battle.

I hope everybody had a happy Thanksgiving, and for everybody who got up before dawn this morning to go shopping, all I can say is, better you than me. I hope you got some great deals!

Oh, and one of my birthday! festivities! involves taking Little Girl to have her stitches removed. Party like a rock star, indeed.


Unknown said...

Hey, I'm right there with you, sister -- December 14th. My birthday used to be sort of overlooked because it was too close to Christmas and then I had a kid two days before my birthday and pretty much guaranteed that I would never celebrate another birthday ever again.

Unknown said...

Oh, and duh. Happy birthday.

Danger said...

Happy Birthday! Woot woot!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy, happy birthday!

rockygrace said...

Thanks, everybody!

listie said...

Happy Birthday!

When my daughter was born the day after my birthday I declared she was the best present I ever got for my birthday and therefore needed no more birthday celebrations ever. It's worked for us. She gets her special day and I get to forget how old I'm getting.