Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted!

And I felt like I was helping make history.

And I felt like I was on the side of the angels. Like I was voting for joy and hope, instead of anger and vindictiveness and spite.

And my dinky little polling place, which is usually deserted, was swamped with people.

And it felt great!

I voted - now it's your turn! Go vote for the candidates of your choice!


listie said...

As soon as my hair dries, I'm walking over to my polling place.

I can count on one hand, with fingers to spare, how many elections I've missed. There's no way I'm skipping this one.

Unknown said...

I voted and it was packed. My husband and I were 115 and 116 (and we voted at noon). There have been some times that we went after work and have been voter 5 and 6.

My favorite thing I saw? A parade of elderly well-dressed black men and women singing and clapping as they walked en masse to the polling station.

rockygrace said...

Well, now it's Wednesday, and history has been made. Doesn't it feel good?