Saturday was a trail clean-up day at a local state park, so I spent the cold, soggy, cloudy day cutting back brush and marking trails. Somehow I managed not to freeze to death, so that was a plus! Plus I got free lunch and a free t-shirt for my efforts, so it was all worth it. I guess. :)
Saturday night I got a call from a woman who had a feral cat in her neighborhood give birth back in the beginning of March. I had told her to call me when the kittens were six or seven weeks old so that we could trap them and get them into rescue care, and it was time. So on Sunday afternoon it was trappin' time yet again.
That's the mama cat. Isn't she pretty? And wild as the day is long. Once we get this litter of kittens into care, she, along with another litter she had last fall, will be TNR'd. (Trap-Neuter-Release. The cats are altered and then put back into their home environment, as adult feral cats cannot be socialized and are happier staying where they are.)
Hmm ... would I rather trap in a cow barn or a flower garden? haha.
I did have SOME time to get out walking this weekend. The mayflowers are up:
My never-ending quest to get a good shot of mergansers continues:
This one ain't bad - these were taken in the creek right by my house:
And does anybody know what this flower is?:
I got a call this morning - two of the kittens were trapped last night! The property owner is keeping them in her bathroom until I can get out there this afternoon, at which point they'll come live at my place for a few days until there's room for them in another foster home.
And tomorrow is Interview #3 for one of the positions f0r which I have applied, so wish me luck!
ooh, interview #3, cool. How many is it going to take though?
nice - 2 caught (how many total??). good luck with the interview - and catching the rest of the family.
The blue flower - Camassia. Aka Wild Hyacinth, Camas, Camass. Native Americans and settlers loved the tiny onion-like bulbs. A war was once touched off when settlers trespassed on the ceremonial Camas fields of the Nez Perce tribe. Boil bulbs for 20-30 minutes, or roast bulbs in foil for 45 min at 350 degrees. Pleasant tasting, but gummy in texture.
Tails and Random, I am hoping that third time's the charm. :) Plus, I got word this afternoon that I have advanced to Round #2 for a different position with another company, and that interview is going to be tomorrow as well. Time to go clone myself!
And ~~Silk, that is fascinating!
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