Tuesday, May 09, 2017

How can people be so, well ...

I was perusing Facebook last night, where one of my Facebook "friends" had posted something that went like this:

"Can't believe the great deal I got today!  One of my neighbors had their driveway sealed, and the contractor had enough sealant left over to give me a bargain price!  Sure, it cost a chunk of change, but it was a lot cheaper than it would've normally been!  Good thing I just happened to be home this afternoon!"

Ummmmm ...

Okay, I'll say it.  HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO STUPID?!  This scam has been around LONGER than the Nigerian Prince thing, and yet somehow, someway, people are still falling for it.  I just ...

*shakes head*

This is a person who has an advanced degree and a highly technical job with a high-level security clearance.  And yet ... and yet ... some gypsy shows up at her house with a scam story, and she falls hook, line, and freaking sinker.

People, man.  I don't get it.


~~Silk said...

So, she got her driveway painted black, right?

James P. said...

Is it possible her FB account was hacked and someone else posted that?

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, yep. With god-only-knows what.

And Ginny, nope. It was her.

James P. said...

The gypsies come through here (Washington DC suburbs) on their way back and forth to Florida every year. The local newspapers have even published articles alerting the public to that very scam.

~~Silk said...

I really meant black paint. There was a father-son pair in Highland, NY, in the '80s, who somehow got a great deal on a truckload of black house paint, and they were going around spraying driveways with it. Apparently they were so stupid, they didn't understand what was wrong with that. It LOOKED good....

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

because they want to believe