Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Getting Ready for Christmas

There is less than two weeks to go until Christmas, and I still don't have a tree. Oops! I wanted to do it last weekend, but I wasn't feeling well, and I had a ton other stuff to do, and (insert appropriate excuse here), so I am going to do the tree this weekend. I am starting to get a little worried - some of the local tree lots look like they've been pretty well cleaned out already. But if I do it this Saturday, that's the 16th, and that's not that late, is it? or is it?

I did make gingerbread cookies on Sunday to take into work. As usual, I'll probably end up eating most of them!

I did wrap Texas's presents last night. I'll finish the package tonight, and pop it in the mail tomorrow.

And I got the creche set up last Saturday, and the porch decorated on Sunday. All my Christmas cards are done and addressed and ready to pop in the mail.

All of which I am using to justify the fact that I still don't have a tree.

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