Wednesday, April 03, 2019


First off, it was ten years ago today that the American Civic Association mass-murder happened here in my little town; it's the mass shooting that seemingly everybody forgot about. 

and it was also ten years ago today that I quit smoking. 

Number of cigarettes I would have smoked between April 3, 2009 and today, had I not stopped smoking on that date: 109,200. (!)

Amount of money saved:  $19,527.50. (approximately.  I'm terrible at math.) (Just to clarify: I smoked cheap cigs I bought on line. Had I been buying name-brand smokes at the 7-11, that number would have easily been double. And using today's cost-per-pack, you could triple that amount).  I used a figure of $3.56 a pack, since that's what my cigs cost at the time I quit.

When I quit, ten years ago, I surprised myself at the time.  I figured I wasn't "ready".  I supposed it would be my first attempt, out of many.  But I figured, what the heck, and I gave it a shot.  And to my surprise, it worked!

I always said that when I got my mortgage paid off, if I felt like picking up the habit again, I would, seeing as how my primary reason for quitting was financial.  But that was based on a couple of, as it turns out, false assumptions:  (1) that I would be in my 70s by the time my mortgage was paid off, and (2) that I would have spent the non-smoking years pining away for a smoke.

As it turns out, both of those assumptions were incorrect.  My mortgage will be paid off within the next few months (which I accomplished all by myself, without the help of my sister's estate - I've simply spent the past 10 years making a real effort paying down the mortgage), and I really, really have no desire to smoke again.

So here I am:  Ten years a non-smoker, and glad to be one. :)  


James P. said...

Very happy to read this.

James P. said...

PS…..Trying not to scream about the Mortgage-Being-Paid-Off-Next-Month part. We've been working on it over thirty years....with loans on it, of course, for kids to go to college and other foolishness.

spiffikins said...


That is quite the accomplishment - especially when you break it down the way you did - 109,200 cigarettes is a mind-boggling number!

And well done on the mortgage-busting! I am right there with you - my 10 year anniversary of buying my house is December 2020 and my mortgage is scheduled to be zeroed out the summer of 2020 - I CANNOT WAIT!!!

rockygrace said...

Spiff, congrats on your mortgage! I feel like it made all those ramen noodle lunches (almost) worth it. :)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Congratulations on both accounts. both are very significant and important milestones. and wow, that is a lot of money not up in smoke..

fmcgmccllc said...

I thought a lot like you when I quit 7 years ago. Biggest change in me I can no longer stand the smell. Especially in the cheapies. Congrats on the mortgage, that is huge.

KJL said...

Well done on both accounts!