Friday, May 02, 2014

Freaky Friday: Dancing Dolphin!

The garden center calls these "dancing dolphin" plants.  I have no idea what the real name is.

Supposedly, the blooms look like, well, dolphins.  You be the judge:

Personally, I think they look as much like salamanders as anything.  Calling these "dolphins" is like calling brine shrimp "sea monkeys"; it only works if you've got a squint and a vivid imagination.  Or a buzz on.

But!  The plants are pretty, and right now they're blooming their little hearts out, so there ya go.


James P. said...

I'm thinking "Leaping Lobsters". (The all-knowing Internet says it is Columnea....think it said it only blooms every other year....maybe you should look it up because, if that is correct, we don't want you to be heartbroken next year.)....Ginny

James P. said...

(Emily Litella voice: Never mind.) The not-blooming-the-next-season has to do with newly propagated plants.

rockygrace said...

Lobsters! THAT'S the ticket, Ginny!

And if these plants have any kind of schedule to their blooming, I haven't figured it out yet. Of my two, currently one is blooming like crazy. The other? Nada.

p.s. props for the Emily Litella reference. You just had to rub it in, didn't ya? :)