Thursday, April 17, 2014

They're ready for their close-ups

Sunday afternoon, I was trying to get a pic of the beauty mark under Callie's chin.  There was a fly on the ceiling catching her attention, so it seemed like the perfect time.

Isn't that a funny little mark on her chin?  It looks like somebody jostled her hand when she was putting on her eyeliner or something.

 Bindi spotted the fly, too:

Get that fly, guys!


James P. said...

Hope the chin mark isn't anything scary, medically. And what do Official Cat People call that eye color on these gals?...........Ginny

rockygrace said...

Ginny, nope, it's just fur. Like a tiger stripe that went astray.

and *I* call that eye color "yellow" - no idea what the color officially is. :)