Friday, April 25, 2014

Freaky Friday: Doorbell

This is a magnet that I've got next to my doorbell.

I don't know - it doesn't seem to keep the Jehovah's Witnesses away.  Maybe they like monkeys.


James P. said...

As a life-long Jehovah's Witness, I can't tell you how offended and hurt I........OK, I'm lying big-time. MADE YA LOOK! (Sound of guffawing from me and cussing from you, probably.)
Ginny...P.S. There is the sound of cussing from me too after I see that the letters/numbers below are all FUZZY and I have to click to renew it. Sheesh!

Domestic Kate said...

You should really turn your house into a museum of some kind. People would pay good money to see all your weird things.

I love the plaque.

rockygrace said...

Ginny, whatever path you take in life is fine. :)

and Kate, I actually had a neighborhood woman stop by the other day with her grandson to see all the weird stuff I have out front (Mr. Z., Gatorduck, the lion, etc.). Ha! I'm famous. Or is that notorious?

SantaMedical said...
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