Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Winter morning, interrupted

We got some snow last night, so this morning I was up early, shoveling and taking pictures.

After a while it started to get light out ....

I took some snow in for the foster kittens to play with :

And I just happened to be taking  a photo of Sodapop looking out the front window when the snowplow came by:

And deliberately swerved to knock over my newspaper tube.

Yep, he definitely swerved:

Now, SOME might say it's because of the flag I fly:

Or maybe it's the rainbow horse in the front yard that angered him:

Myself?  I'm reserving judgment.  We'll just see how long it takes for the town to send somebody out to repair the damage.


Random Felines said...

what the heck possesses some people?? that's just rude to do it on purpose

Domestic Kate said...

I love your flag and rainbow horse! I wish I could have known you when I lived in your area. But sorry about your newspaper tube.

KJL said...

Did you report it to his supervisor? Might not do any good - but should be on record .

rockygrace said...

I emailed the town highway department yesterday morning and included the pic of where the plow had freaking SWERVED to hit the tube. (Honestly? I think maybe he was trying to take out the mailbox and just wasn't QUITE accurate enough with the plow blade. Either that or he'd just dropped a lit cigarette - ha.) Within a half an hour the highway superintendent responded that he would send someone out to fix the damage, and when I got home last night, the tube had been fixed. Voila!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

glad they fixed it so fast. I hope they had a word with that driver.

James P. said...

I was wondering about the driver not realizing that the tire tracks gave him away, but James thinks that he was making a "hate" statement and just didn't care. The world's makin' me crazy lately......I COULD turn on the TV to take my mind off things but...........AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!! IT'S WHAT'S-HIS-NAME AGAIN WITH THE HAIRDO!!!!!!

James P. said...

(I'll correct that: It's not a hairdo; it's a hairdon't.)

rockygrace said...

Ginny, I've becoming an expert on switching channels very, very quickly - before I have a rage stroke. I've begun watching The Waltons every night at seven, and I swear that show is saving my life right now. Ha.