Monday, July 21, 2014

Oh, hai! *waves hand*

I'm taking a few days off from work to get my equilibrium back.  Taking a few days to unwind.  Taking some time away from the internet.  Taking a few days to catch up on some sleeeeeeep.  I was about to lose it with the kitten load, especially since one of them came down with ringworm over the weekend, so the rescue shuffled stuff around and now I've gone from ten cats in the foster room  to four.  I knew that if I didn't get a break now, I was going to burn out of the whole thing, and I didn't want to do that.  (Don't worry; the extra cats went to the home of the rescue founder, where they are fine.)

I spent the afternoon in the backyard sitting in the kiddie pool with a beer in my hand, and I see no reason to do anything differently for the next few days.  Might go buy a National Enquirer for my trash reading pleasure; might not.

See you in a few days!


James P. said...

(You'll notice we're all being very quiet and not bothering you this week. Or, we may not want to associate ourselves with someone who would buy a National Enquirer.....It mocks the demise of the Weekly World News.)

rockygrace said...

I just figured y'all forgot about me. Out of sight, out of mind and all that. :)

James P. said...

Nah, you just said you were staying away from the internet. So everyone figured you wouldn't see any comments.

rockygrace said...

Speaking of Weekly World News, a local theater company is doing a presentation of "Bat Boy: The Musical". And I never did buy a copy of the National Enquirer - *sigh*

James P. said...

My husband hated that WWN went under right when it was about to cover Bat Boy's volunteer duty in Iraq. Or, possibly, Afghanistan. Either way. Certainly laudable.