When I went to put them on the wall, I remembered that somewhere I had seen some kind of stencil of birds on a wire. (I have an awful time remembering where I've seen stuff; I swear, my mind is like a sieve. It processes everything, and most stuff passes through, but sometimes pieces get stuck, except I can't ever remember where anything came from to begin with.) So I grabbed some yarn and stretched it across the wall, fixing it with thumbtacks to the corner of the wall and a window frame. Then I took some sticky blob stuff (I can't remember the name of it; it's like chewing gum, and it's removable) and fixed the crow cut-outs on the wall.
And now I'm actually thinking of leaving that particular part of the wall blue, because it looks like sky. For the crows.
Oh coolio!
I think you were remembering "The Birds". If you start channeling Tippi Hedren, you'll know for sure.
That is pretty neat though.
I love it when good ideas actually, um, work out! So few of mine actually do, so I'm glad for you that yours did. I think they'd look cool with any color background.
Kit, yeah, it's like a miracle for one of my oddball ideas to actually turn out halfway decent. Usually they turn into gluey, half-assed disasters.
And Rob, I didn't even know Tippi Hedren was dead. Ya learn something new every day.
Bridgett, are you going to start blogging again? I miss you!
I just checked. Tippi is NOT dead! My error.
Aw, that's nice of you. Yes, I'll exert myself to post something -- you're the second person to ask this week. (I thought nobody would notice if I just stopped for a little while, and then I got out of the habit and found other things to get into and...well, you know.)
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