I was born in 1962; you do the math. (See also: I'm too lazy to remember to update this thing regularly.) I bought my first house in the summer of 2009; I share it with four cats and with the memories of The Runt and Little Girl, who both passed away in 2011. Rocky, the cat for whom this blog was named, passed away in 2008; I miss them all. I wish I lived somewhere where the winters weren't eight months long; other than that, life is good.
There's a huge willow tree in my backyard. It's really pretty cool looking, and when you get up close you can see how gnarled and twisty it is:
It looks like the tree in Poltergeist, doesn't it? The one that broke through the window and grabbed the little boy? Hmmmm, maybe that's why the previous owner screwed the windows shut.
The Runt's not afraid of it, though:
Kitty treehouse.
Cats are pretty fearless. I, however, am not. I always think of Poltergeist when I see some big sprawling tree like that. From a distance, they're nice, but in my back yard? No thank you.
Speaking of fearless, the cats have discovered the stormwater pipes underneath the road, which scares the shit out of me. To see them disappear and then pop up a few seconds later on the other side of the road is disconcerting, to say the least.
Cats are pretty fearless. I, however, am not. I always think of Poltergeist when I see some big sprawling tree like that. From a distance, they're nice, but in my back yard? No thank you.
Speaking of fearless, the cats have discovered the stormwater pipes underneath the road, which scares the shit out of me. To see them disappear and then pop up a few seconds later on the other side of the road is disconcerting, to say the least.
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