That was this morning. Sorry for the poor quality; they were at the back of the property, about two hundred feet away, and I couldn't use a flash so I had to monkey with the image on flickr to get it view-able.
There were four of them all together, traipsing single-file through the back yard. I know that come spring I'll be cursing them for eating all my perennials, but right now they're cool.
I always had such a hard time capturing deer on camera. It's like they know! I understand why deer can be a pain for some, but I never got over seeing them. They did a number on one of our trees in the front of the house, but I was okay with that.
Judging by the photos you've posted, you've got a great piece of property. You must be very pleased with it.
Kit, deer are like butterflies - they don't hold still!
And Rob, yeah, I got a great deal on this place, mainly because the local economy has tanked so badly. Oh, and the house is in a *cough* flood plain. Hell, that's what they make flood insurance for ....
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