Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Rocky Freaks Out

I know that dogs don't like the sound of fireworks or thunderstorms, and almost any pet will react to the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Last night I was watching Little Miss Sunshine (again), and the part came where the dad honks the horn of the VW van and the horn just keeps honking on its own, one loud hhhhhooooonnnnnnkkkk for several minutes. Rocky, my cat, was sleeping on the couch, and as soon as that honk started, he fuh-reaked out. First, he woke up with a start and stared at the tv. As the honk continued, his ears pricked forward and his eyes got huge. Then, he slinked (slunk?) off the couch, still staring at the tv, and hightailed it into the kitchen, where he meowed at the door until I let him out.

Rocky hates the vacuum cleaner noise, and he is afraid of the noise of crumpling up a plastic shopping bag (I nave no idea why - it's not like I once crumpled up a plastic bag with him in it), but I have never seen him freak out to a car honk before. Do your pets have any weird noise phobias? Let me know!


bridgett said...

My cat Jane flips out at Japanese anime voices -- also any kid with a high-pitched Minnie Mouse voice. Normally, she's a mild mannered putty, but when faced with cartoon evil, she will back into the corner, arch, get big, and hiss.

rockygrace said...

"Cartoon evil"! That's hysterical! It's amazing when they do the self-inflation thing, isn't it? It's like all their fur stands on end at once.