Thursday, July 03, 2014

Thinking so hard my damn brain hurts

Which, admittedly, isn't much of a stretch, but still.

While things have settled into an uneasy detente with my crazy-ass neighbors, now that the weather is getting warmer,  I don't like hanging out in my backyard with the next-door loony-tunes in full view.  Especially since one of their sons (the slow one) (well, they're all kind of slow - the slow-est one, I guess) has taking to bringing his f*cking unleashed Rottweiler over.  Fun!  If that dogs runs onto my property barking at me one more time, I'm gonna get out the baseball bat. 

Fencing would be the obvious solution.  A nice high fence between my property and theirs.  Except I know what fencing costs, and I can't afford it.

So then I thought maybe I could just install a couple of panels of privacy fence, maybe just like 20 feet worth.  Checking into it, nope, still out of budget.  Oh, I could afford the fence all right, but not the install.

Hmmm ... how about some kind of lightweight fencing?  Home Depot sells rolls of bamboo privacy screening for 25 bucks a pop.  Getting closer ... but it's designed to attach to an existing fence.

Maybe I could attach it to garden stakes?   Like, put 8' stakes 4' apart, and attach the bamboo?

Yeah, I can think of myriad ways I could f*ck that up.  I'm just picturing myself out in the backyard, all tangled up in bamboo and zip ties.  Not to mention, if we're not going full-on fence here, I want something I could easily take down for mowing.

Well, let's see ... I've got a couple of garden arches I picked up for five bucks at Family Dollar and never used ... Maybe I could set them up, and install some type of fabric ... maybe bedsheets ... to create a view blocker.

I dunno ... let's go back to the garden stakes.  Attach bedsheets to stakes, making the whole thing roll-up-able.  But wait.  If I'm gonna need 8' stakes, will they even fit in the car?  And how, exactly, to attach the sheets ...

Oh man, the wheels are just churnin' today.  Hopefully I'll get this solved before I burn out too many brain cells.


Domestic Kate said...

Covered gazebo? Like this kind of thing but with the bedsheets/curtains instead of mosquito net?

rockygrace said...

Good idea, Kate, except I like to be in the sun. I could tip the gazebo on its side ...

Anonymous said...

Could you use one or two of those high pitch devices, that only dogs can hear? That is if they work AND if your cats won't be affected by them.
Oh my.
Let me think about this for a bit.

Reta Kenter

fmcgmccllc said...

Spray bottle with vinegar or hot pepper mix. You could try water but I have no faith in that. Also a garden hose tends to work. They have those nice collapseable ones now for 10 bucks and under.

rockygrace said...

Reta, do those whistles repel dogs or attract them?

and fmcetc., how about a spray bottle of napalm?

Ha, I kid, but the dog is pissing me off. And now I find out that the neighbors are actually dog-sitting him this weekend, which, yeah, what a great idea. Have your eighty-year-old, infirm parents take care of your batshit-crazy, hundred-pound dog. *sigh*