Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm gonna be a BIG STAR

So!  This morning was the interview at the radio station for the rescue group.  And it was ...

FUN.  It was FUN.

Being interviewed is MUCH EASIER than the nursing home talk that I did, where I basically had to go stand up in front of a bunch of strangers and talk.  It is a LOT easier to just sit in front of a mike and answer questions.  I wanna go do it agaaaaaaain ...

The show will be airing this Saturday.  I hope I remember to listen ...

Oh!  And in other news, I managed to bake a batch of cookies that actually tasted good.


My complete and utter lack of any basic baking skills is kind of legendary.  Now, COOKING, I can do.  I make a mean lasagna, and a good seafood newburg, and I can even do a decent steak, but BAKING?  As in ... dessert-type things?  Not so much.

Which is kind of tragic, considering my love of all things sugar-filled.

I discovered my lack of the cookie-baking gene when the rescue group started having bake sales.  Time after time I would volunteer to bake cookies or cupcakes, and time after time something would go sadly wrong in the kitchen, resulting in an inedible mess. 

For a while, I supported the bake sales by BUYING stuff.  But after biting into one too many cupcakes and finding a hair (human, cat, does it really MATTER?), I stopped doing that, too.  Now I just donate money.

But!  Back to the point! 

I volunteered to bring donuts this morning for the radio interview.  As a thank-you to the host.  But the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would look kind of ... bad ... to BUY donuts to bring to an interview where I am going to beg for help for my rescue group.  What if the interviewer was all, like, "If you need help so badly, how come you can afford to buy donuts?  WHY ISN'T THE DONUT MONEY GOING TO THE HOMELESS CATS?!!!"

yeah, I overthink this sh*t.

So, buying something was out of the question.  So last night I gritted my teeth and made a batch of chocolate chip cookies to take to the interview.  "I'll follow the recipe on the chocolate-chip bag!," I thought.  "How hard can it be?"

Answer:  Hard.

Oh, I mean, not hard, intellectually, just hard as in pain-in-the-ass.  You had to measure some things into ONE bowl, and some things into ANOTHER bowl, and beat in the eggs ONE AT A TIME, and


this is why I don't like to bake.

But!  Finally, the cookies were done, and I ate a bite of one, tentatively, and it was GOOD.  It was a GOOD COOKIE.

whew.  At least now I know that if I am ever forced at gunpoint, I can produce an edible cookie.  Or at least I did it ONCE.

And supposedly this radio interview is also going to be a podcast on the radio station's website, so if I ever figure out what a podcast is and how to link to it, I'll put it up here so you guys can laugh at my Minnie Mouse voice.  Promise.

And! Scroll down.  I'm still looking for new blogs to read ...


fmcgmccllc said...

Day late and all, I am also looking for new blogs. Current ones seems to rumble about quitting or I find one and the next post is the goodbye it has been fun message.

One I like alot right now is Vienna for Dummies, he (Badger) is humorous and has cats.

Congrats on the cookies. Big Daddy made me chocolate chip cookies to take to work because I am a horrible cook.

rockygrace said...

fmcetc, the radio host actually praised my cookies ON THE AIR this morning on her regular a.m. show. It's, like, a miracle or something.

My cookies are BIG STARS!