Thursday, March 29, 2012

Another utterly fantastic cat name

The other night, I was reading in the living room, Ponyboy was off snoozing on my bed, and Sodapop was tearing around the house, finally flinging himself onto the recliner headrest behind me.

"So, what's up, my little minion?," I asked.


You're welcome.


~~Silk said...

No no no. That word popped into your head because that's what HE calls YOU! (Google "definition minion")

rockygrace said...

Oh, come on, ~~Silk, let's not get technical. :) Naming a black cat Minion is awesome.

Then again, you have much better taste than I do. I tend to go for the funny/bizarre/odd names.

No shit, I was looking at a Petfinder site a while back, and there was a black cat the shelter had named "Rosa Parks". Now that's just wrong. Now, if they had named a white cat "Honky" or "Cracker", I would have thought it was funny, so ... I'll shut up now, before I get into trouble.

Becs said...

My ex and I had a tortie who miraculously (ahem) appeared in the house one day. This cat was definitely his, but he couldn't think of a name for her. At first, it was "Lucy" but that didn't work.

One day I was getting ready for work. She ran over my feet and I said, "Where are you going, midget?"

Ex heard it and thought it was hysterical and yet fit. Of course it got shortened to Midgie, but that's how things go.

rockygrace said...

Torties scare me. I think they're possessed.

Becs said...

Dark torties are possesed. Their calico sisters, however, are not.

rockygrace said...

Oh, there's a world of difference between torties and calicos.

We actually had an older tortie come through the rescue system last month who was dubbed the "anti-tortie", because while she was technically a tortoiseshell, she was one cool cat. Just a sweet, sweet gal.

She got adopted in less than a week.