Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Paging Charlie Brown ........

....... I think I've got your tree!

Saturday morning was "tree day". I like Douglas Firs, because their needles are soft and non-poky. I used to make a big deal out of going to various tree lots, comparing trees, blah blah blah. For the last several years, I've just been going to Lowe's. They always have a good selection, the prices are reasonable, and they'll put a fresh cut on the trunk, bale the tree, and pop it in/on your car. Piece of cake!

So I cleared out the back of the wagon Saturday, threw down a drop cloth, and headed for Lowe's, thinking I could be back home in half an hour. I got to Lowe's and ........ it was a ghost town. There were only about ten trees, covered in snow and ice. And it was about fifteen degrees out, meaning that all that snow and ice would have to melt off inside the house. Shit!

I knew that Home Depot sold trees, so I headed there, and ...... same story. Just a few sad, ice-and-snow-covered trees. There was a cub scout pack selling trees down the street from Home Depot, so I stopped there. And there were some decent trees, but when I hoisted a couple, it felt like they were made of lead. I needed something that I can haul up the stairs, so ..... no.

Next stop, Agway. Same story. I was beginning to wonder if there was some sort of Christmas tree shortage of which I was unaware. Then I remembered a sign that I had driven by countless times while running errands. A local Lions club sells trees for one day only each year, for nineteen bucks for any tree on the lot, starting at one o'clock. And Saturday was the day they were selling the trees.

I figured that if the trees were halfway decent, the place would be a mob scene, so I got there right at one. And it was what I imagine the wedding dress sale at Filene's Basement must be like...... utter chaos.

But! There were lots of nice volunteers. Unfortunately, there were no Douglas Firs. At this point, I just wanted a tree, any tree. So, trying not to get elbowed by any of the nine million other people who were storming the lot, I picked out a tree, had a fresh cut put on the bottom, and headed for home. Whew! Mission accomplished.

To be continued .............


Anonymous said...

What an adventure! I hope your tree isn't pokey.

Here's my solution to the tree situation:

Step 1: go to Target after Christmas.
Step 2: buy artificial tree at 75% off.

Voila! We've had ours since the after-Christmas sale of 2003 I think. Not authentic in the least, but it does the job.

My word verification is "bedscar." That's just weird.

Exador said...

Do the Boy Scouts still sell trees in front of the library?

That was me, many a freezing winter.

Anonymous said...

My comment was supposed to say "too pokey" with "too" in italics. Silly me and my missing words.

rockygrace said...

Heck, kitkat, I'm too lazy to even TRY doing HTML in the comments. And yes, the tree is tres pokey. Ouch!

And Ex, the Boy Scout tree sale is still going on. That was going to be my next stop if I didn't have any luck at the Lions' Club sale. I often wonder as I drive by how those kids stay warm.

Unknown said...

Liquor. That's how the little buggers stay warm. (Oh, they like to make you think that Boy Scouts are all trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, kind, obedient, kind, courteous, brave, thrifty, clean, and reverent but you should check their canteens.)

rockygrace said...

Boozed-up Boy Scouts, huh? So THAT'S their secret!

Exador said...

Actually, that's true. I've got a great story about getting drunk and sneaking over to the girl scouts' camp.

rockygrace said...

Let's hear it, Ex!