Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Go Vote!

Today is Election Day, so please, if you are educated about the issues, go cast your vote! If you don't vote, you don't have a right to bitch about your elected officials! If you are not educated about the issues and have not been keeping up with current events, then you probably shouldn't vote. "Uneducated voter" should be an oxymoron. By "educated", I do not mean you have to have a college degree - I don't. I mean educated about the issues, the political parties, and the people who are running for office. And if you don't care enough to educate yourself about these matters, then you should be ashamed to call yourself an American. People are fighting and dying every day (Iraq) for this country - the least you can do is educate yourself about the process - voting - that gives us a say in how this country is run.

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