Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Doctor, Doctor Part 3 - Rosacea

While I was at the dermatologist he took a look at my Rosacea, which I have had for years. Rosacea is a skin condition which basically makes it look like your nose and cheeks are sunburned all the time. He asked me if I wanted to try a prescription ointment, which surprised me, because when I was in there last year he said there was no presecription medication for Rosacea. So anyway, he wrote me a prescription for this stuff called Metrogel, which sounds like metrosexual + hair gel, no? It's this clear ointment that goes on once a day. I also made an appointment to start laser treatment again. I had one laser treatment last year, and then the laser technician quit & I didn't see any improvement anyway, so I didn't go back, but they say it takes 3 - 4 treatments to see improvement. But the treatments are $100.00 a pop, so I'll have to wait and see if I have that kind of money when the appointment time rolls around.

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