Saturday, August 12, 2017

Still here!

Yes, I'm still alive and kicking.  I feel like I'm FINALLY starting to settle in to the new job, at least a little bit.   Whew!

Last night I trapped, so this morning I had to head out bright and early.  Look what was in my front yard when I woke up!

There were actually TWO bucks out there, moseying through, which is really unusual.  I see does a LOT, but bucks, not so much.

Then it was off to the barn to see what we'd trapped.

We trapped a total of eight cats.  Once I got them to the vet's, it turned out that one of them was ear-tipped, meaning it had already been altered.  I ran that one back to the barn to be released.  Sadly, it turned out that one of the other trapped cats had old injuries that were so severe it had to be humanely euthanized.  The other six cats were spayed and neutered and will spend the night at the vet's and then be returned tomorrow.

After my second trip to the barn, I went in to the rescue to do medications because they were short-handed today.  Then, I had to go grab foster Lucky Nicky from home and run HIM to the vet's for a second FIV test.  Negative!  Yay!

I got him back home, did vaccinations on four of the fosters, mowed the lawn, moved traps back into the shed, did some laundry, and now? I just ordered a pizza, because I am WHUPPED.

Talk to you soon!


James P. said...

That one cat would have kept on suffering indefinitely if you hadn't trapped him and let the vet euthanize him/her to stop the pain.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

that is a heck of a lot of running around. I bet they were glad to have you.

So sad to hear about the kitty, but it really is for the best if they are in pain

James P. said...

I'm thinking that the neighbors who are used to sculpture/décor/whatever in your yard had a jolt when the deer statues MOVED. (And that takes me the little bluejay perched on something high up in your house....looking like part of the design theme. Poor he/she spent some time at the Bird Psychiatrist after being toted in through the pet door.)