Monday, June 09, 2014

An example

I peeked into the foster room on Saturday and saw this:

I think she's getting ready to use that ribbon to hang herself.

As I said in the comments to the last post, the mamma cats will nurse whoever wants a drink, whether it's one of their kittens or not.  But over the weekend, Bearycat, whose kittens are now in week seven and are eating solids, decided that she is just about DONE with this nursing thing.  She spends most of her time up on the windowsills, where the kittens can't reach her.  Yet.  So Puff has started picking up the slack.

Hang in there, Puff.  Just a couple more weeks.


James P. said...

Hysterically funny. What a patient cat mom.......Ginny

rockygrace said...

Cat moms are awesome moms. Maybe they somehow know that it's a short-term type of deal.

James P. said...

Puff looks like a school bus.

rockygrace said...

Yeah, like one of those buses in Asia with nine million people hanging on the outside ...