Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Thank you, Ginny!

When the UPS guy pulled up tonight I thought it was going to be just another boring Chewy order (well, they're boring except when they come with dead mice inside TRUE STORY), but instead it was gifts!

I love Tinks' expression in that photo.  He's all, "don't laugh ... don't laugh ..."

and look at the cute little buttons!:

Thank you, Ginny (James P.) for the day-brightener!


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Wait.. chewy sells dead mice??

rockygrace said...

Connie, it's their most. gruesome. product. ever.

Seriously, I opened up a case of cat food (delivered from Chewy) in the garage one time, and immediately was hit with a horrifying smell. I thought maybe one of the cans had been punctured and then spoiled, so I started digging through the case, only to find, at the very bottom ...

... a severely decomposed dead mouse. The case had been factory-sealed until I opened it, so I'm guessing the mouse got into the container before it was filled at the Friskies factory, met its maker when the container was filled with cat food cans, then made its way via the Chewy delivery system to my house.

I never knew something that small could smell so horrendously bad. Rest in peace, poor mousie.

James P. said...

Pretty sure the dead mouse was a repeat customer bonus.